I haven't blogged in a very long time! I thought I should start back up again to talk about our new journey that we have started! First I want to say why we started! Then I want you to know what it is...Then I want to talk about struggles!!!
Why Start Beach Body!!!
Ryan and I love food!! Shoot who doesn't!!! We have been eating really bad food! I can eat chips, cookies, chex mix!! Like nothing people! Cookies! They are easy for me to eat! We also don't really gain because we workout like crazy people!!! Its this silly little cycle!!! We want results but we aren't eating the things that we need to get the results!!! On the workout part we both needed something to push us and be a change!!! So I thought well hell lets give this a try!!!
First what is t25
Shaun T the guy who made insanity came up with a new program.
Its a series of dvd that are 25 mins long!!! Everyone struggles to find time to workout!!! But everyone can find 25 mins!!! Monday through Friday you have a dvd to do. On Friday you do double...Saturday is rest and sunday is stretch!
Nutrition!!! The program came with shakeology which is amazing! So amazing I will have to just write a blog just about it! The program came with a fast track that has everything for the week planned for you so you just got to go buy the stuff! The next week you have another cook book to look through! The first week you learn exactly what you should be eating!!!
Our progress!!!
Beach Body is a really neat program set up for you to succeed! I love the program! Would recommend this program for any level of fitness! Any program is what you bring to the table! if you eat bad and you don't do the workout full out then you will not get results!!!
The first week was a change for us!!! Yes you still want burgers, fries, chips, etcs!!! This isn't a diet its a life style change! We have to train our bodies to show them good foods!!! I have tried food this week I would have never thought to eat! We also got a food scale to measure our food!! We have meal planned! I know people say omg so much work! It actually has saved money on what we spend on food!! The fact of the matter is if you want result yes you have to work!! Its called sucking it up and putting your big girl panties on!! Nothing is a quick fix! you gotta put in time and things happen!!!
The workouts!!! Kill me yes! I feel like Bridgett Jones trying to do some of the moves! I can't do a push up! sometimes I feel like I'm dying! I know on facebook I'm always saying we got this!! Well I still struggle! I still get my butt kicked! But you get up and you do it again until you can do it!! I also have those days where I just want to give up! But I look at my pictures I remind myself of my goals and I keep just pushing!!!
Our first week we lost a total together of 14.7 pounds!! Amazing! I know this week will be smaller! But its the right directions! So if you are someone and you are looking for inspiration! Find some pictures...print them out!!! Remind yourself that you are in control of your life! I feel if you really want something then you will do anything to make it happen!!! My goal this week is two pounds!!!
I wanted to post some of the things that inspire me!!!
My friend Amanda who just finished a half a marathon!!! She is amazing inspiration to me!
My beach body Coach and Friend who reclaimed her body from having a second kid!!
Jenny a military wife and was a sailor! She changed her body soo much! She prob doesn't know shes
Shes an inspiration to me but she is! Her Arms inspire me!!!!!
My biggest inspiration is my husband!!! Without him I would not be where I am!!!
Support team is what makes me successful!!! My husband believes in me when I
Don't believe in myself! With someone like that by your side you can do the world!
I am also something that inspires me! I look at how far I have come and it pushes me every
day to keep pushing!
This blog is random! Prob crazy grammar but I hope it inspires someone out there to
just get moving! Or just to pick up better food!!!!!
My New Normal
Monday, July 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
This is not going to be a blog about me really... It's something I want to share with you.... I've recently been doing modeling...Throughout the process it's been interesting. Modeling you are surrounded by people who have great bodies! As we all know I have lost a lot of weight which you would think would give me such confidence!! But when you are surrounded by beautiful bodies you start to doubt your abilities!!!
The other day I posted a status saying I didn't know if modeling was right for me... After posting it I actually felt bad about it! You think when you loose 100 plus pounds that you would have some major confidence lol hahah not me! I'm working on it soo hard! I've been reading Ellen's new book..There is a chapter that I would like to share with you... I'm going to type it out on here it's a little long but it really spoke to me and help me realize that I must believe in myself! That there is beauty in me! Even if I don't have a perfect Body!
Covergirl By Ellen Degeneres
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:
Beauty is only skin deep.
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
Throughout my entire life, I have belived in these sentiments. I've belived that true beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass. And then in 2008 I was finally able to throw all that hogwash out the window because I was named the new face of CoverGirl cosmetics! Take a bite out of that, world! Check out these cheekbones! I'm abeauty queen! (This is where flashbulbs go off and I turn my head from side to side, posing like a supermodel. It was apparenttly too expensive and not possible to put mini lightbulbs in every book, so you're just gonna hve to imagine it. I'm sorry).
The truth is, I still believe that above all things physical, it is more important to be beautiful on the inside-to have a big heart and an open mind and a spectacular spleen. (Actually , most people's insides are disguesting. Even pretty people have very unattractive insides. Have you ever seen those surgery shows on Discovery? Not pretty)!
To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin It's about knowing and accepting who you are. I'm happy being who I am. I'm confident, I live honestly and truthfully, and I think that's why I was chosen as the first fifty-year-old, openly gay Covergirl. It's just a bonus that I have devastatingly blue eyes.
But we really are a society that focuses so much on physical appearance. I realized this recently when I accidentally looked into one of those mirrors that magnify your face to five hundred times its actual size. They sell them at Bed Bath and Beyond in the "Things That Make You Feel Bad About Yourself" ailse. They're right next to the bathroom scales, usually on a shelf you're to short to reach. I'm sure you've all looked into one of them at some point. On one side, it's a totally normal mirror. And then if you turn it over to the other side, your face looks like the surface of the moon.
Portia and I have one in our shower. I never look in it because it's usually blocked by the person who washes me. But for some reason I looked in it one day and, oh Lordy, that is a horrible invention! Who invented that thing and why haven't they been jailed? Those things need to come with a warning. Car mirrors have warning that say, "objects are closer than they appear." Magnification mirrors should have warnings that say, "objects are not as attractive as they appear."
They show you things you didn't know were there, that no one can possibly see. I looked at my hairline and I found a family of doves living in it. It was shocking. The only people who need to see things that close up are surgeons who are performing delicate operations and jewelers. That's it! No one is gonna see youthe way oyu see yourself in those mirrors unless you're married to a surgeon or a jeweler and they ocme home from work still wearing that apparatus. "Honey, I'm home. Oh my goodness, your pores are huge!"
I don't know why we ever need to look into those. They're not accurate. They point out every single one of our flaws. We don't need that. That's why we have mothers. The fact of matter is that everyone has flaws. No one is perfect, except for Penelope Cruz. Our flaw are what make us human. If we can accept them as part of who we are, they really don't even have to be an issue.
I feel the same way about age. I've never been someone to lie about my age. I don't understand it. Actually, I don't know how people can lie about their age anymore now that the Internet exist. Not only can people easily find out what year I was born, they can find out what time, what hospital, how long my mother was in labor. I wouldn't be surprised if there was footage on youtube of the doctor spanking me. The only reason there isn't is because youtube didn't exist when I was born.
Our age is something we have absolutely no control over, it's just a fact of who we are. I enjoy growing older and wiser and learning from my mistakes every single day. I'm happy for example, that I no longer eat paste, like I did when I was 24. And I'm happy that in a few years I'll be able to get half-price tickets to movies and museums. Considering how often I go to the movies and museums, I could save upward of thirty dollars a year.
When we were kids, all we wanted was tobe older. When we were seven and half and someone said we were only seven, we were furious. We probably even cried about it. Canyou imagine doing that now as an adult? "This is Marsha. She's forty-two." "Forty-two and a half! You always forget the half!! I'm practically forty-two and three quarters!" I don't know at what age people stop wanting to be older. People seem to enjoy their twenties and thirties. It mustbe around forty, when you're "over the hill. I don't even know what that means and why it's a bad thing. When I go hiking and I get over the hill, that means I'm past the hard part and there's a snack in my future! That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
People seem to be shy about their age through their fifites and sixties, but then once they hit seventy or eighty, they start telling people again because it's such a huge victory to have made it that far. No one gets to one hundred and tells people they're only ninety-five. So I dont know why anyone has to lie about those middle years. We should celebrate every year that we made through and every year that we're happier and healthier. Because honestly, that's the beast case scenario. And the bottom line is we are who we are we look a certain way, we talk a certain way. I strut because I'm a supermodel, and sometimes I gallop for fun. When we learn to accept that, other people learn to accept us. So be who you really are. Embrace who you are. Literally, Hug yourself. Accept who you are Unless you're a serial killer.
I know it seems easy and breezy for me to say but trust me..it's okay to be you. If you had called fifteen years ago and told me I was going to end up being a CoverGirl, I would have said "No way" and "How'd you get this number?" But look at me now. I'm totally myself and I'm an internationally know, widely sought-after supermodel. I even went to Paris one time!
Reading this made me think! I am who I am! I am beautiful, and smart! I may not have the perfect body! There is no one in the world who is me and that's what makes me beauitful! I wanted to share this with you! Because no matter what size, shape, color you are beautiful!! When you are having a bad day and you are hating what you see in the mirror remember this from Ellen!
The other day I posted a status saying I didn't know if modeling was right for me... After posting it I actually felt bad about it! You think when you loose 100 plus pounds that you would have some major confidence lol hahah not me! I'm working on it soo hard! I've been reading Ellen's new book..There is a chapter that I would like to share with you... I'm going to type it out on here it's a little long but it really spoke to me and help me realize that I must believe in myself! That there is beauty in me! Even if I don't have a perfect Body!
Covergirl By Ellen Degeneres
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:
Beauty is only skin deep.
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
Throughout my entire life, I have belived in these sentiments. I've belived that true beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass. And then in 2008 I was finally able to throw all that hogwash out the window because I was named the new face of CoverGirl cosmetics! Take a bite out of that, world! Check out these cheekbones! I'm abeauty queen! (This is where flashbulbs go off and I turn my head from side to side, posing like a supermodel. It was apparenttly too expensive and not possible to put mini lightbulbs in every book, so you're just gonna hve to imagine it. I'm sorry).
The truth is, I still believe that above all things physical, it is more important to be beautiful on the inside-to have a big heart and an open mind and a spectacular spleen. (Actually , most people's insides are disguesting. Even pretty people have very unattractive insides. Have you ever seen those surgery shows on Discovery? Not pretty)!
To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin It's about knowing and accepting who you are. I'm happy being who I am. I'm confident, I live honestly and truthfully, and I think that's why I was chosen as the first fifty-year-old, openly gay Covergirl. It's just a bonus that I have devastatingly blue eyes.
But we really are a society that focuses so much on physical appearance. I realized this recently when I accidentally looked into one of those mirrors that magnify your face to five hundred times its actual size. They sell them at Bed Bath and Beyond in the "Things That Make You Feel Bad About Yourself" ailse. They're right next to the bathroom scales, usually on a shelf you're to short to reach. I'm sure you've all looked into one of them at some point. On one side, it's a totally normal mirror. And then if you turn it over to the other side, your face looks like the surface of the moon.
Portia and I have one in our shower. I never look in it because it's usually blocked by the person who washes me. But for some reason I looked in it one day and, oh Lordy, that is a horrible invention! Who invented that thing and why haven't they been jailed? Those things need to come with a warning. Car mirrors have warning that say, "objects are closer than they appear." Magnification mirrors should have warnings that say, "objects are not as attractive as they appear."
They show you things you didn't know were there, that no one can possibly see. I looked at my hairline and I found a family of doves living in it. It was shocking. The only people who need to see things that close up are surgeons who are performing delicate operations and jewelers. That's it! No one is gonna see youthe way oyu see yourself in those mirrors unless you're married to a surgeon or a jeweler and they ocme home from work still wearing that apparatus. "Honey, I'm home. Oh my goodness, your pores are huge!"
I don't know why we ever need to look into those. They're not accurate. They point out every single one of our flaws. We don't need that. That's why we have mothers. The fact of matter is that everyone has flaws. No one is perfect, except for Penelope Cruz. Our flaw are what make us human. If we can accept them as part of who we are, they really don't even have to be an issue.
I feel the same way about age. I've never been someone to lie about my age. I don't understand it. Actually, I don't know how people can lie about their age anymore now that the Internet exist. Not only can people easily find out what year I was born, they can find out what time, what hospital, how long my mother was in labor. I wouldn't be surprised if there was footage on youtube of the doctor spanking me. The only reason there isn't is because youtube didn't exist when I was born.
Our age is something we have absolutely no control over, it's just a fact of who we are. I enjoy growing older and wiser and learning from my mistakes every single day. I'm happy for example, that I no longer eat paste, like I did when I was 24. And I'm happy that in a few years I'll be able to get half-price tickets to movies and museums. Considering how often I go to the movies and museums, I could save upward of thirty dollars a year.
When we were kids, all we wanted was tobe older. When we were seven and half and someone said we were only seven, we were furious. We probably even cried about it. Canyou imagine doing that now as an adult? "This is Marsha. She's forty-two." "Forty-two and a half! You always forget the half!! I'm practically forty-two and three quarters!" I don't know at what age people stop wanting to be older. People seem to enjoy their twenties and thirties. It mustbe around forty, when you're "over the hill. I don't even know what that means and why it's a bad thing. When I go hiking and I get over the hill, that means I'm past the hard part and there's a snack in my future! That's a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
People seem to be shy about their age through their fifites and sixties, but then once they hit seventy or eighty, they start telling people again because it's such a huge victory to have made it that far. No one gets to one hundred and tells people they're only ninety-five. So I dont know why anyone has to lie about those middle years. We should celebrate every year that we made through and every year that we're happier and healthier. Because honestly, that's the beast case scenario. And the bottom line is we are who we are we look a certain way, we talk a certain way. I strut because I'm a supermodel, and sometimes I gallop for fun. When we learn to accept that, other people learn to accept us. So be who you really are. Embrace who you are. Literally, Hug yourself. Accept who you are Unless you're a serial killer.
I know it seems easy and breezy for me to say but trust me..it's okay to be you. If you had called fifteen years ago and told me I was going to end up being a CoverGirl, I would have said "No way" and "How'd you get this number?" But look at me now. I'm totally myself and I'm an internationally know, widely sought-after supermodel. I even went to Paris one time!
Reading this made me think! I am who I am! I am beautiful, and smart! I may not have the perfect body! There is no one in the world who is me and that's what makes me beauitful! I wanted to share this with you! Because no matter what size, shape, color you are beautiful!! When you are having a bad day and you are hating what you see in the mirror remember this from Ellen!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Almost 30
So tomorrow is my birthday and for the first time that I am actually feeling like OMG i'M almost 30!!!
I am very proud of how far I have come in life. I have a wonderful family! I love what I do teaching!!! I couldn't be happier in my relationship!!! So blessed and lucky to have a wonderful husband. I found this post the other day online and it got me thinking of something I need to start cracking down on lol!! So if you are getting close or you are thirty it may be neat to think about and funny.
By 30, you should have ...
1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come. (eh don't have anyone I'd like to go back to! But I know one that reminds me of how far I've come! So blessed with the awesome husband I have)
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
(I have a sectional that I bought all by myself! So Yes I do have furniture that no one in my family has owned!!!)
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
(I love clothing so that I think I have down!)
4. A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.
Oh man def got a purse and got about seven umbrellas that I love!)
5. A youth you’re content to move beyond.
(def after loosing all this weight I'm def content with moving on with the person I use to be)
6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age.
(I think I have some good stories!!!)
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age -- and some money set aside to help fund it.
(def need to work on retirement!! Being a military wife and teaching all over the place it's hard!)
8. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account -- all of which nobody has access to but you.
(yes all ove the above!)
9. A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded.
(can def say that my resume is not padded...shoot maybe I need to lol)
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
(oh def have a few lately who do this!! My husband and Abel def do both)
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.
(I have a cordless drill and black lace bra...guess I need a set of screwdrivers that are just mine)
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
(This is something I do not have....I'm not smeone who goes and spends big money...so I need to do that! ha...I wonder what they consider expensive)
13. The belief that you deserve it.
(I have def learned that I deserve it! Life is too short!)
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
(skin care regimen ehhh no I don't, exercise yes I believe I do.....hahah there is always plastic surgery lol)
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better.
(def have a solid career that I love but def would love to get a masters and move up.....counseling is something I'm really interested in...Satisfying relationship!!! Check plus there! Married my best friend!!
By 30, you should know ...
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself.
(This is a goal of mine to always remain myself! If anything Ryan has brought out the best out of me!)
2. How you feel about having kids.
(this topic has been coming up ...everyone has been asking us!! We haven't even been married for a year....maybe in a couple of years)
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
(yep def know how to quit a job, break up with a man but don't need to know that anymore,, def know how to confront a friend without a ruining it but my best friend and I have never gotten in a fight)
4. When to try harder and when to walk away.
(def know when to try harder...could work on knowing when to just walk away)
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next. (hahah I think I do)
6. The names of the secretary of state, your great-grandmothers, and the best tailor in town.
(yes just not a tailor in town!!! I need one)
7. How to live alone, even if you don’t like to.
(this one I know very well... going through a deployment I had to live alone it sucked but it can be done)
8. Where to go -- be it your best friend’s kitchen table or a yoga mat -- when your soul needs soothing. (def...in my car listening to music and in the gym)
9. That you can’t change the length of your legs, the width of your hips, or the nature of your parents.
(learning to have to embrace that I will always have big hips no matter how much weight I loose!! I love my parents and in laws... I love the weird and crazy parts of them)
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over.
(yes, my childhood was awesome! Minus my dad leaving me my mom created the best life I could have imagin! My family is incredible)
11. What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love.(yep!)
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or not flossing for very long.
( hahah but we can try lol... I hate to floss!!)
13. Who you can trust, who you can’t, and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
(I think I learn this everday...and even after thirty I will learn this!)
14. Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault.(do this alot sometime...getting better_
15. Why they say life begins at 30 (we shall see when I get there)
All this got me thinking! I guess age is just a number!!! I will pretent like I'm 21 till im 70 then to heck with that...I'm going to be Paula Deen and make everything with butter and not care about anything!
I am very proud of how far I have come in life. I have a wonderful family! I love what I do teaching!!! I couldn't be happier in my relationship!!! So blessed and lucky to have a wonderful husband. I found this post the other day online and it got me thinking of something I need to start cracking down on lol!! So if you are getting close or you are thirty it may be neat to think about and funny.
By 30, you should have ...
1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come. (eh don't have anyone I'd like to go back to! But I know one that reminds me of how far I've come! So blessed with the awesome husband I have)
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
(I have a sectional that I bought all by myself! So Yes I do have furniture that no one in my family has owned!!!)
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.
(I love clothing so that I think I have down!)
4. A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying.
Oh man def got a purse and got about seven umbrellas that I love!)
5. A youth you’re content to move beyond.
(def after loosing all this weight I'm def content with moving on with the person I use to be)
6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age.
(I think I have some good stories!!!)
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age -- and some money set aside to help fund it.
(def need to work on retirement!! Being a military wife and teaching all over the place it's hard!)
8. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account -- all of which nobody has access to but you.
(yes all ove the above!)
9. A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded.
(can def say that my resume is not padded...shoot maybe I need to lol)
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry.
(oh def have a few lately who do this!! My husband and Abel def do both)
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.
(I have a cordless drill and black lace bra...guess I need a set of screwdrivers that are just mine)
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
(This is something I do not have....I'm not smeone who goes and spends big money...so I need to do that! ha...I wonder what they consider expensive)
13. The belief that you deserve it.
(I have def learned that I deserve it! Life is too short!)
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
(skin care regimen ehhh no I don't, exercise yes I believe I do.....hahah there is always plastic surgery lol)
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better.
(def have a solid career that I love but def would love to get a masters and move up.....counseling is something I'm really interested in...Satisfying relationship!!! Check plus there! Married my best friend!!
By 30, you should know ...
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself.
(This is a goal of mine to always remain myself! If anything Ryan has brought out the best out of me!)
2. How you feel about having kids.
(this topic has been coming up ...everyone has been asking us!! We haven't even been married for a year....maybe in a couple of years)
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship.
(yep def know how to quit a job, break up with a man but don't need to know that anymore,, def know how to confront a friend without a ruining it but my best friend and I have never gotten in a fight)
4. When to try harder and when to walk away.
(def know when to try harder...could work on knowing when to just walk away)
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next. (hahah I think I do)
6. The names of the secretary of state, your great-grandmothers, and the best tailor in town.
(yes just not a tailor in town!!! I need one)
7. How to live alone, even if you don’t like to.
(this one I know very well... going through a deployment I had to live alone it sucked but it can be done)
8. Where to go -- be it your best friend’s kitchen table or a yoga mat -- when your soul needs soothing. (def...in my car listening to music and in the gym)
9. That you can’t change the length of your legs, the width of your hips, or the nature of your parents.
(learning to have to embrace that I will always have big hips no matter how much weight I loose!! I love my parents and in laws... I love the weird and crazy parts of them)
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over.
(yes, my childhood was awesome! Minus my dad leaving me my mom created the best life I could have imagin! My family is incredible)
11. What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love.(yep!)
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or not flossing for very long.
( hahah but we can try lol... I hate to floss!!)
13. Who you can trust, who you can’t, and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
(I think I learn this everday...and even after thirty I will learn this!)
14. Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault.(do this alot sometime...getting better_
15. Why they say life begins at 30 (we shall see when I get there)
All this got me thinking! I guess age is just a number!!! I will pretent like I'm 21 till im 70 then to heck with that...I'm going to be Paula Deen and make everything with butter and not care about anything!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New Years Resolutions have become what we call a joke these days! I have one and I would like you to help me with it! Facebook to me has become a page where everyone complains, argues about stupid shit or just stirs up drama! I would like to change it for me! My new year resolution is about finishing things that I want to do in life! My main goal this year is to do a five k...I know many of you who would say that is cake! Some might say heck no I hate running! I hate running with all of my life! I have a friend who has done 6 marthons!!! That to me is so amazing!!!!! She's also very fit and trained hard to do it! Go Maria Go!
My resolution is to create a team of people who are my friends to do a 5k together in San Antonio...if people want to do it in Pensacola I will do two! We would do a 5k in the summer in San Antonio as a team! For those who hate running and are beginers and think hell no!! Know that I hate to run! Second this is a team thing where we will all go the slowest person pace! If you are someone who says oh gosh I can do that in my sleep...its a chance for you to be inspiration to someone and to do something positive! I'd like to create the page with a team name! Everyweek we would have goals ....for example...jog a mile without stopping... then post the pic! Shoot even I started my training pic of you on the tredmil or just outside jogging
The facebook page would bring together people from all ages and all fitness levels! It's a place to post inspiration goals! To work as a team for a common goal! It would also have people come together and bring each other up instead of the mess that happens on a daily bases on facebook!
This is not a weightloss page but a page to finish something! Getting together with people to say hey I'm worth fighting for my life and getting fit!
You may wonder what is inspiritation for this page! People tell me from time to time you are so positive how do you get yourself in the gym! I tell them people inspire me!!! That big girl in the gym who is embarassed and is in the gym going at it! Tells my legs to run faster that I can do it!
My biggest inspiritation is that I have always said I wanted to do this! I also make excuses!!! Excuses equal failure!!! I figure if I have a team "a family" that I can do it! You can do it too!!
So for all of you out there!! The woman who just had a baby and wants to get fit! For you who use to be fit and have started being a bum!!!! For the person who is a beast in the gym and can climb ropes! Please join this group! Let's change our lives! Shoot change your life!
My resolution is to create a team of people who are my friends to do a 5k together in San Antonio...if people want to do it in Pensacola I will do two! We would do a 5k in the summer in San Antonio as a team! For those who hate running and are beginers and think hell no!! Know that I hate to run! Second this is a team thing where we will all go the slowest person pace! If you are someone who says oh gosh I can do that in my sleep...its a chance for you to be inspiration to someone and to do something positive! I'd like to create the page with a team name! Everyweek we would have goals ....for example...jog a mile without stopping... then post the pic! Shoot even I started my training pic of you on the tredmil or just outside jogging
The facebook page would bring together people from all ages and all fitness levels! It's a place to post inspiration goals! To work as a team for a common goal! It would also have people come together and bring each other up instead of the mess that happens on a daily bases on facebook!
This is not a weightloss page but a page to finish something! Getting together with people to say hey I'm worth fighting for my life and getting fit!
You may wonder what is inspiritation for this page! People tell me from time to time you are so positive how do you get yourself in the gym! I tell them people inspire me!!! That big girl in the gym who is embarassed and is in the gym going at it! Tells my legs to run faster that I can do it!
My biggest inspiritation is that I have always said I wanted to do this! I also make excuses!!! Excuses equal failure!!! I figure if I have a team "a family" that I can do it! You can do it too!!
So for all of you out there!! The woman who just had a baby and wants to get fit! For you who use to be fit and have started being a bum!!!! For the person who is a beast in the gym and can climb ropes! Please join this group! Let's change our lives! Shoot change your life!
Monday, December 31, 2012
12 high points of 2012
One of my friends posted 12 things that meant something to her or something she was proud of! I loved it so thought I would reflect on 2012 in a positive way!
1. I married my best friend! This day was not just important and meaningful because I married my best friend. It was such an amazing week because we created memories with our family that we will remember our whole life!
9. I am so proud of my husband this year! He got first class and made a really high score on his exam! Hes a rock star in my books!
10. I am just really happy and proud of my relationship with my husband! We have had such a blast so far as a married couple! No matter what comes our way we face it together! We find fun no matter where we are! Thank you Ryan for being such a great husband!
1. I married my best friend! This day was not just important and meaningful because I married my best friend. It was such an amazing week because we created memories with our family that we will remember our whole life!
2. I rarely talk about my old school! It's something that I am very proud of! I worked at a inner city school...When I told people I worked there they would say wow you must be a strong person. I would laugh and say kids are kids no matter where they live! I learned so much from them and loved my job! While there I started a theatre program! My students even won an award! I miss my school everyday! These students and staff shaped and touched my life!
3. I changed my life! I've gone from a couch potatoe to a healthy person! I've done two hours spin class! I've flipped tires!!! I have actually changed the person I am inside and out!
4. I moved away from Texas! Which was really hard! I love and miss my family everyday! It's taught me soo much about my strength and made new friends which can be really hard in a new place!
5. I never in my mind would I think I could say this! I have inspired people to loose weight! If someone would have told me a year and half ago that I would change peoples lives and help them loose weight I would have laughed at you eating my ice cream! But I can say with pride that I have gotten message from people that say thank you it means the world to me!
6. I'm proud of myself for stepping out of the box and trying some modeling!!! Takes alot to put on a corset and say okay shoot go for it... and then post it on facebook! I'm proud of learning from great photographers about modeling... Which that I am very blessed to have met Hanna Roller. The woman who has taken this photo. She is incredible photographer and person! Truly blessed to have met her!
7. I am very proud of being put the San Antonio Wedding Guide!
8. This year we got to go to Disney and to visit Ryan Grandparents for Thanksgiving. Nancy's family was so welcoming to us! This definally was a highlight to see them for Thanksgiving!
10. I am just really happy and proud of my relationship with my husband! We have had such a blast so far as a married couple! No matter what comes our way we face it together! We find fun no matter where we are! Thank you Ryan for being such a great husband!
11. I got a permante sub positon which I was soo blessed with! The reason I became a teacher was because of my second grade teacher!!! I've gotten to teach second grade for the past couple months and it has been such an amazing experience!
12. Lastly, sadly my brother was in a awful accident! I could have lost my brother! It was very scary. He had complete back surgery...the doctors said that he would be in rehab for atleast a year. God works in such amazing ways! In less then five months my brother was walking again and back to working! My brother is a hard working person who can do anytihng in the world! But because of God I still have my brother in my life! So out of all the wonderful things that happened this year I am the most thankful that mybrother is doing so well and is with us today! Thank you God for all your belssings!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The new Normal
I haven't writen one of these in a while. I figured it was about time. Tonight I am alone because Ryan has watch....weird being alone but hey it's better then him being deployed... So I will not complain about one night. I thought I'd talk about what we have been up to and since New Years is in the near future what my goals are going to be.
Nothing too exciting is going on in life. Just teaching and enjoying being back in a classroom.. It ends in feb so I'm sure I'm going to be really sad to have to say goodbye to some of these kids... Ryan and I did our first volunteering event! We helped at the Pensacola Christmas Parade....It was actually a lot of fun! The parade was beauitful and it was awesome just doing something for the community as a couple. We also put up our first Christmas tree as husband and wife! haha I call it our Grown Up Tree because we actually have a full size tree...In the past we have just used those little tiny trees lol Which would end up falling over it because Elie our cat would climb it. That's whats been going on.... with us
I recently did a photoshoot with a photographer.... as you have seen the pictures....She was an amazing photographer but I still need to loosen up and just love myself more.. I look at the pictures and still see fat and need to tone! The shocking thing is I don't see huge anymore... I actually shocked now that I use to be that! I've maintain my weight for pretty much six months... I would love to drop five to ten pounds but I will def embrace where I am and not stress about it. I actually am very use to the way I eat..small portions its now my new normal! On the side note I love that show! Speaking of shows... The new girl show really freaks me out every week.... She reminds me soo much of myself... The way she dresses and the nerd she is.... but mostly how she deals with things and the things she goes through...Kind of scary sometimes how close it is to my life.
Soooo I'm going to be turning 28 on Jan 10.... oh goodness... I'm getting to thirty... I have no regrets though..... New Years is coming... and I know many people laugh about resolutions... I think mine isn't a resolution I think its just some goals I want to obtain by the end of the year. I think I'll stick to seven of them... and hope to atleast do 5 of them.. I think I can forgive myself if I don't reach two lol hahah see already making excuses. bad Lisa!
1. Gain a close girlfriend. I know it sounds sooo silly.... I have never had a close girlfriend basically my whole life it may be the fact that I grew up around boys. But I would like to gain a close girl friend. Doesn't have to be Penscola either.... (Reconnected with someone from High school we weren't close friends in high school.... neither no why... But I see it happening)
2.Sundays, I will turn off my phone and turn off the computer! My husband doesn't think its possible! I think we are on the phone and computer too much! I'm the worst... So on Sundays I'm going to be a free from phone and free from computer lady!
3. DO A 5K! Goal is April and my husband will stand at the end and I will do a victory dance! To prove to him that I can do it! He believes I can do it! But doesn't think I will!
4. Take a cooking or painting class!
5. Audtion for a play! ( I miss it and I need to do some of it!)
6. Parasail! I want to do it!! I hope I don't die!!!
7. I want to volunteer atleast five times this new year!
So lets see how I do.... If I don't do them I'm going to have to buy a drink for everyone that I didn't do for my husband!!!
Sorry if this blog was boring..... hope not too boring!
Oh and I'm really excited because my best friend is coming to visit Pensacola in Jan!! Also I'm going to Texas to vist in March....
Ryan and I are doing wonderful... I'm a very very lucky girl....
Oh you are probably wondering why call this the new normal... because my life is starting to finally feel normal.....
Monday, November 5, 2012
tips/random things from me!!
I haven't written a blog in a while... I knew I said I would about weight loss tips....so I thought I'd write a blog about random stuff and throw in some weight loss tips. I get messages from time to time with questions on what can I do in the gym...how can I drop weight...These are the things I've done...i'm not a fitness expert I'm just normal person who has been there hoping for the magic pill.
The fact of the matter is there is no magic... There is no secret way to loose it...surgery can help....diets can help....but the fact of the matter is you have to want it and you have to realize its not a diet its a life style change... I remember hearing that as a fat person and saying shut the hell up tell me what the secret is hahah now looking at it! It's all hard work!
Tip one: No matter what,..... if you eat shit then you are going to to have to work your butt off in the gym. There are weekends that Ryan and I eat crap! But two days does not go by where I'm in the gym busting my ass! In the end you have got to count calories. There is no special way...you eat less calories and work out... pounds come off! no secret!
Tip two: You have got to want it more then anything!! We spend so much bitching about our weightloss but we have got to spend that energy trying to make a change! You got to put aside all the excuses and decide that you are worth it!
Tip three: Do not drink your calories!!!! Biggest peeve of mine! Don't say you want to loose weight and then go drink your calories! For example soda! or the worst yet!!! Starbucks!! I freakin love it but get skinny version!!!! you can get a grande for under a 100 cals!! if you get a pumkin latte or etc they are around 400 cals! Do you know what you could eat instead!!! Right after you drink it you will not be full!! If you eat the cals you would atleast feel full! I think alot of the time we just don't know how much is in something! My best advice is look it up!!! Drinks are sooo bad and they will get you!!! Ice cream can get you!!!!! We got start reading and educating what we are putting in our bodies because its the only body we've got!
Tip four: You got to work out!!! I dont care what you do just please try!!!! Everyone will start somewhere! I think the best plan in the gym is going in thinking you can't doing something and just trying!! If you start off and you walk out doing something better thenwhen you started be soooo proud of yourself!!! It's baby steps! I'm one of those people who goes to personal training and they could kill me and I'd still go... I think thats what has helped me soo much! I think the best thing I can tell me people is stop being scared that you can't do something! Stop saying oooh my body is not going to let me! It will you just gotta work at it and try!!! Remember you can't hate on yourself you gotta build... I remember doing pt and sooo bad i couldn't do someting and the trainer said to me STOP being mad at yourself... whens the last time you did this... I said I don't know she goes then how can you expect your body to do this...you gotta build
Tip five: If you are a person who is trying to loose the last ten to five pounds...which is where I am!! In my eyes then you have to count everything!!! You got to eat healthy! Cut out the bad shit!!! Cut out the bad carbs got to eat good ones!
Tip Six: I have many other tips Ill do along the way but this is the biggest tip I can offer! Please do not do low carb!!!! I did this for a year of eating low carb meaning less then 30 carbs a day! It is the worst diet for you!!!! You will gain it back! Your body needs carbs to loose weight! You need it to function! You just got to pick the good carbs!! Don't eat fries eat a sweet potatoe! Eat the right carbs! I hate seeing people count carbs!! Makes me soo sad! The best advice I could say is portion control! Go back to the basics!!! Eat clean and good carbs!!! You don't have to do this always but expect to work out harder in the gym when you don't eat clean!
Sooo those are just some of my ideas.... I'll write another later in the week with how I got started in the gym and different workout I tried!!!
So my struggles are still there with weightloss! I still have to work on the tips that I post on here everyday! Right now my main struggle is feeling like I'm not big anymore! I recently went to a photoshoot! which was a lot of fun but I felt like the fat girl at the photo shoot! The photographer said it was my turn and the girls were watching me and I looked like a dumbass because I didn't know how to put my hands! The fact of the matter was I kept thinking how can I pose my arms so my fat arms won't come out in the picture! If you haven't ever had a weight problem then I don't think you can understand I mean I keep feeling like I have a 100 pounds on me! People say ahhh you look great you look beautiful and sad to say I'm still see FAT! They say that my brain has just got to adjust! After the photoshoot I wish that I had just takin a shot of vodka and forgot about how I felt! I've got to start to love myself and be proud of myself.
I get messages from people that I have inspired them! You have no idea what that means to me! Many of the messages have made me cry! I hope that I can inspire someone to change their life because its no fun not feeling good about yourself! It's no fun wanting to feel beautiful but feeling trapped. Many people have inspired me everyday! They say I've inspired them! But seeing people getting out and trying!!! Someone writting to me sayin I lost this amount of pounds is amazing and moving! The truth is they inspire me everyday! To never look back but always push forward! That over weight woman in the gym who is feeling like people are judging her at the gym is actually inspiring me to keep pushing! That we can all do it! We can all make a change! this past year the following people have inspired me! I hope that its okay to post their picture! I'm so thankful to have them in my life!!!
So this was my random blog sorry for the grammer problems or if it sounds like I'm rambling because I usually am! I hope it helps! I'll post workout ideas later in the week!!
The fact of the matter is there is no magic... There is no secret way to loose it...surgery can help....diets can help....but the fact of the matter is you have to want it and you have to realize its not a diet its a life style change... I remember hearing that as a fat person and saying shut the hell up tell me what the secret is hahah now looking at it! It's all hard work!
Tip one: No matter what,..... if you eat shit then you are going to to have to work your butt off in the gym. There are weekends that Ryan and I eat crap! But two days does not go by where I'm in the gym busting my ass! In the end you have got to count calories. There is no special way...you eat less calories and work out... pounds come off! no secret!
Tip two: You have got to want it more then anything!! We spend so much bitching about our weightloss but we have got to spend that energy trying to make a change! You got to put aside all the excuses and decide that you are worth it!
Tip three: Do not drink your calories!!!! Biggest peeve of mine! Don't say you want to loose weight and then go drink your calories! For example soda! or the worst yet!!! Starbucks!! I freakin love it but get skinny version!!!! you can get a grande for under a 100 cals!! if you get a pumkin latte or etc they are around 400 cals! Do you know what you could eat instead!!! Right after you drink it you will not be full!! If you eat the cals you would atleast feel full! I think alot of the time we just don't know how much is in something! My best advice is look it up!!! Drinks are sooo bad and they will get you!!! Ice cream can get you!!!!! We got start reading and educating what we are putting in our bodies because its the only body we've got!
Tip four: You got to work out!!! I dont care what you do just please try!!!! Everyone will start somewhere! I think the best plan in the gym is going in thinking you can't doing something and just trying!! If you start off and you walk out doing something better thenwhen you started be soooo proud of yourself!!! It's baby steps! I'm one of those people who goes to personal training and they could kill me and I'd still go... I think thats what has helped me soo much! I think the best thing I can tell me people is stop being scared that you can't do something! Stop saying oooh my body is not going to let me! It will you just gotta work at it and try!!! Remember you can't hate on yourself you gotta build... I remember doing pt and sooo bad i couldn't do someting and the trainer said to me STOP being mad at yourself... whens the last time you did this... I said I don't know she goes then how can you expect your body to do this...you gotta build
Tip five: If you are a person who is trying to loose the last ten to five pounds...which is where I am!! In my eyes then you have to count everything!!! You got to eat healthy! Cut out the bad shit!!! Cut out the bad carbs got to eat good ones!
Tip Six: I have many other tips Ill do along the way but this is the biggest tip I can offer! Please do not do low carb!!!! I did this for a year of eating low carb meaning less then 30 carbs a day! It is the worst diet for you!!!! You will gain it back! Your body needs carbs to loose weight! You need it to function! You just got to pick the good carbs!! Don't eat fries eat a sweet potatoe! Eat the right carbs! I hate seeing people count carbs!! Makes me soo sad! The best advice I could say is portion control! Go back to the basics!!! Eat clean and good carbs!!! You don't have to do this always but expect to work out harder in the gym when you don't eat clean!
Sooo those are just some of my ideas.... I'll write another later in the week with how I got started in the gym and different workout I tried!!!
So my struggles are still there with weightloss! I still have to work on the tips that I post on here everyday! Right now my main struggle is feeling like I'm not big anymore! I recently went to a photoshoot! which was a lot of fun but I felt like the fat girl at the photo shoot! The photographer said it was my turn and the girls were watching me and I looked like a dumbass because I didn't know how to put my hands! The fact of the matter was I kept thinking how can I pose my arms so my fat arms won't come out in the picture! If you haven't ever had a weight problem then I don't think you can understand I mean I keep feeling like I have a 100 pounds on me! People say ahhh you look great you look beautiful and sad to say I'm still see FAT! They say that my brain has just got to adjust! After the photoshoot I wish that I had just takin a shot of vodka and forgot about how I felt! I've got to start to love myself and be proud of myself.
I get messages from people that I have inspired them! You have no idea what that means to me! Many of the messages have made me cry! I hope that I can inspire someone to change their life because its no fun not feeling good about yourself! It's no fun wanting to feel beautiful but feeling trapped. Many people have inspired me everyday! They say I've inspired them! But seeing people getting out and trying!!! Someone writting to me sayin I lost this amount of pounds is amazing and moving! The truth is they inspire me everyday! To never look back but always push forward! That over weight woman in the gym who is feeling like people are judging her at the gym is actually inspiring me to keep pushing! That we can all do it! We can all make a change! this past year the following people have inspired me! I hope that its okay to post their picture! I'm so thankful to have them in my life!!!
My friend joey who has lost soo much weight and has a cycling team!!!
My friend Eva who has dropped two sizes!! look how beauitful!!
My friend Felicawho has lost a lot of weight and Did a 5k!
This girl has inspired me when I was bigger! I would see her running on the track and it would keep me going! She's a true inspiration!
Peyton has lost I believe close to thirty pounds! She is now a Zumba teacher! Peyton is a postive sweet person who is just AMAZING!
My cuz. jes! Jess always been inspiration to me! She is a personal trainer! The thing I love about her is that she is always positive and knows how hard weight loss is! She has inspired me to make a big change in my life
So this was my random blog sorry for the grammer problems or if it sounds like I'm rambling because I usually am! I hope it helps! I'll post workout ideas later in the week!!
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